I’m posting from my hotel room as I prepare for a day’s facilitation tomorrow in the EU Parliament here in Brussels. I find it ironic that I’m

Rue de Londres, Bruxelles
on Rue de Londres given the Brexit discussions are in session nearby. Business and Brexit continues to be a core element of my current work. Last Tuesday evening I chaired a Panel discussion in Blanchardstown Library organised by Europe Direct on the EU Investment plan .
Our panel of Andrea Carroll (South Dublin Chamber), Professor John O’Brennan (John Monnet Professor of European Integration at Maynooth University, @JohnOBrennan2 ) and Dr Mary C. Murphy (Senior Lecturer, Department of Government, University College Cork, @MaryCMurphy ) provided fascinating insights into how this fund is being used to boost economic activity across the EU but it also became apparent that Ireland, particularly the SME sector is largely failing to access these funds. Currently, the EU Investment fund is providing the finance for the 14 new Primary Care Centres around the country and the fund is providing the money for the Microfinance Ireland loan scheme. However, SME funding loans finance is available through AIB and Bank of Ireland but generally SMEs appear to be unaware or unable to access this money. The message from the event was that SMEs needed to ask questions about how this potential loan funding is being made available and that they should be asking their MEPs and TDs to enquire on their behalf.
Now back to my preparation work for tomorrow! I’m facilitating a day’s preparation meeting for next spring’s EU Ideas Lab. Last year we attracted 400 participants, this time we’re aiming for 1,000. Ní neart go cur le chéile!